News & Events
Yes, You Can Eat Eggs!
Many people are very confused on whether or not they should eat eggs. The truth is that eggs are a very healthy source of protein and other vitamins and minerals, however all [...]
Can Summer Trigger Migraines?
By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES August 14, 2016 Late summer conditions create the perfect storm for people who suffer from migraines. High temperatures, [...]
Studies Suggest These 4 Methods Can Prevent Migraines
Studies Suggest These 4 Methods Can Prevent Migraines By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES January 17, 2020 If you’re one of the 36 million [...]
Studies Suggest These 4 Methods Can Prevent Migraines
Studies Suggest These 4 Methods Can Prevent Migraines By Janet Tiberian, MA, MPH, CHES January 17, 2020 If you’re one of the 36 million [...]
Obesity: An Alarming Public Health Concern
Many clinical research studies have proven the prevalence of obesity in the country. For instance, the Health, United States, 2012 revealed that 69.2% of [...]
Top 5 Reasons Running Hurts and What To Do About It
With the cooler weather, runners everywhere, from seasoned vets to first-timers, are hitting the road, but it won’t be long until that painful excuse to [...]
Lifestyle Medicine
The most influential trend in medicine today, growing exponentially, is the emerging field of what is known as “lifestyle medicine” — lifestyle as treatment, not [...]
Your Family Doctor is not preventing you from getting the care you “deserve.”
A recent unintentional severe insult: Family Doctors are Gatekeepers. I was recently at a dinner where a professional triathlete was speaking. After the dinner and [...]
Testosterone Testing
– Recent lab data was compiled regarding lab testing of testosterone levels in men. For the first 3 months of this year (2014) between 1.2 [...]
How’s your Cholesterol?
Cholesterol Testing. How’s your Cholesterol? Cholesterol testing in the routine, usual manner is simply not enough information to adequately allow your Doctor to maximally protect you [...]
Testosterone For Women?
Most of our patients know the importance our practice places on optimizing the hormone balance for both men and women. But what many people are [...]
Top Ten Reasons You Should Take Nitric Oxide
By: Sharon M. Sneed, PhD Wellness Coordinator, Sneed Medical and Austin Family Medicine Associates My Own Story: When Dr. David Sneed and I discovered that [...]
Do YOU Have a Problem With Your MTHFR – WHAT??
MTHFR stands for the methyltetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme. Now that’s a mouthful, but what does it mean? It is actually part of your genetic material, in [...]
Why do I need a Well Woman Exam?
Beyond the PAP Smear. What is a Well Woman Exam? Why do I need a Well Woman Exam? What is the purpose of a Well [...]
PAP Smears – Well Woman Exam | What? Why? And how often?
PAP Smears – Well Woman Exam Why should I get a PAP smear? Better yet, what is a PAP smear? PAP Smear is an abbreviation [...]
Artificial Sweeteners
struggling to control their weight and many, despite substantial efforts are losing that battle. The artificial sweetener industry has promoted the assumption that consuming “diet [...]
Healthy Hobby
One should never underestimate the beneficial effects of developing a satisfying and healthy hobby. Numerous health experts tout the multiple physical and emotional benefits of [...]
Physicals or Wellness Exams
Why should I get a yearly physical? I am healthy! What is the purpose of a yearly physical? I went in for my yearly physical, [...]
Recent interest in hormone replacement treatment for men is at an all time high level. There is great interest in both the benefits and the [...]
Sleep Apnea
Most people have all heard that loud snoring person who makes weird sounds in the middle of the night, sometimes gasping for air and choking. [...]
Mammography: Is a Mammogram Safe?
Did you know that a mammogram can harm you? If you did not know that a test could harm you, then you need to read [...]
Need Urgent Care Austin? Skip The Emergency Room Wait
With the arrival of the improved Spring weather and the longer evening daylight hours all of us are looking forward to more activity outdoors. More [...]
Tip to Prevent Osteoporosis
Have you had your 4.2 G-force for the day? New research shows that impact on the skeletal system of 4.2G’s or greater will improve and [...]
Want to be a better lover?
Yeah, I bet that caught your eye. Nitric oxide testing and supplementation is the newest addition to the many advanced tests that we offer in [...]
Torn Meniscus of the Knee
A new study published in December of 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that surgery does not benefit you if you have [...]
Reducing Heart Disease Risk
A recent study by researchers in Spain (February 2014 issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology) found that people taking the free Heart Age [...]
American Heart Month Turns 50
In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed a proclamation declaring the month of February to be American Heart Month. With that being said, each February for [...]
Pap smear: Who needs it?
A Pap smear, or Pap test, is a cervical screening procedure that aims to detect cancerous or pre-cancerous processes in your cervix by collecting [...]